Time & Location
Jul 12, 2024, 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM GMT+7
Zoom Meeting
About the event
Fear is a foundational element of the SELF, and it affects everyone. The only exception is individuals living in a permanent state of true enlightenment, where the Self no longer possesses an identity, and a state of No Fear prevails.
There are countless types of fear, each with its unique frequency. If fear is present in your energy field, it broadcasts into the universe, attracting experiences that resonate with its low-level frequency. This can manifest as lack of success, failure, poor relationships, physical pain, anxiety, worry, divorce, poverty, frustration, and more—each related to the type and intensity of the fear.
In this upcoming collective session, Dr. G will dive deep into the subconscious mind to eliminate the original downloads that create and sustain fear as a fundamental energy field in your life. This will significantly weaken all forms of fear specific to each participant.
Additionally, the session will specifically address the Fear of Failure and Fear of Success.
This collective session is essential for everyone, especially now as fear increasingly dominates the world. Participating in this session will help you live with greater ease and move forward successfully in your endeavors.